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Grant Submission and Selection Criteria

No applicant may use any other VISIT FLORIDA grant funds for the same project, or as matching funds.  Dollar-for-dollar match must be demonstrated.  For every VISIT FLORIDA dollar in the requested program, you must provide one dollar from your organization and/or other non-state entity(ies) to put towards the program in order to meet the dollar-for-dollar match. 

Applicants must demonstrate that the program will directly or indirectly contribute to the promotion of tourism advantages within the State of Florida.

All Grant application submissions must:

  1. Describe project or program in which grant funding is requested.
  2. Describe economic impact on the community.
  3. Detail marketing strategy.
  4. Describe implementation plan and budget.
  5. Identify if program is an extension to a previous program.
  6. Demonstrate a need for advertising assistance. (i.e. Will this project/program happen without these grant funds?)